About Expedition

Vintage Vespa 150 Sprint advertisement - one of our desired onesVintage Vespa 150 Sprint advertisement one of our desired ones

    Vespa 150 was produced from year 1955 in Italy by manufacturer Piaggio and basically it is stronger city scooter. Eastern Asia is swarming with these beautiful motorcycles. The ones we will use will be purchased somewhere on the market and they will be not somehow specially tuned. Of course we will buy some spare parts, so we will be able to fix some minor damages (for example a horn).


Polished TukTuk riding through the streets of Bangkok
TukTuk in Bangkok Polished TukTuk riding through the streets of Bangkok

On the contrary TukTuk is wild beast with no laws and so there is not design given nor the horsepower. They are made by many companies and home-based manufacturers. It's design is not only different in every country, but often even in many regions, according to local fashion. Some types do carry passengers in the back, others in the front. The only common sign is maybe just that they have three wheels. With which one we will end up is not clear - we would have to adapt to our financial abilities.