About us

Martin Měchura

    Someone maybe knows me, someone don't. My name is Martin Měchura. I'm from small village called Horní Řepčice near Litoměřice. In present I live in Mladá Boleslav. I do work at heights and I'm a member of climbers club of MB. I like to travel :o) My friends keep saying that I'm a traveler, but I met some so I don't think so :o) During last few years I visited with my friend some European countries e.g. Romania, Norway, Iceland... for short time.

Bigger actions came later:

2008 - north India - 2 months
2010 - Egypt - solo action - 2 months
2011 - Turkey - hitchhiking in Eastern part - 1 month
2012 - south-east Asia - 2 months
2014 - south India - 1,5 month

    One of my hobbies is photography. I do enjoy the most portraits and pictures of everyday life. On this journey I intend to pay full attention to this subject. Every time I travel I do write my experiences back home. I do not take myself too seriously and so it is always a bit of fun and a bit of making up. But everything is based upon real story :o)

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