
    On my trip through south-east Asia I fell in love with motorbikes Vespa 150. And I started to think how to buy it. Back at home it is already vintage and expensive, in Asia it's common vehicle. And then it dawned on me! I'll buy it in Asia and drive it home. From original idea for purchase became a theme of my next expedition :o)

    The plan was to fly, on the start of year 2014, to Vietnam. Over there to buy second-hand these beautiful machines, and drive them back home. The trip is estimated to approx. 15000 km. It leads from Vietnam through Laos, Myanmar, India, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary and Slovakia all the way to Czech to my home in Horní Řepčice :o). In some countries is unclear, because of political situation, whether we will be able to pass through or not. A thanks to that the route will be very likely changed on the run.