We use quite often city transportation system. It is really diverse. There are buses, minibuses, mole(underground), űbermole(overhead railway), river boats, boats on channels, ferry. The whole is complemented with private transportation - cabs, tuktuks, minivans, motorcycles, dragon-tails(sightseeing boats). Each of these transports have it's magic - buses with teak floor will take you anywhere along the route just for 20 eurocents. Minibuses are numbered accordingly to big ones follow the route of their big brothers and mostly 2-3 stops before we want to exit the route changes. Űbermole have the AC set in such way that there is no exception to spot some beef and pork halves hanged on the handrail. But for us is the most interesting river and channel transportation.
Along the channels ride boats with the length about 20 meters and they are going with such a speed that they raise waves more than meter high. And for going under the bridge they have folding roof. When 2 oncoming boats meet then the boat is tossed every possible direction and the less experienced driver the more you can feel this rocking. So when you come to some office and there is some greenish women and mumbles for herself something about amateurs, then you can be sure that she came to the work with a boat.
We enjoy boat transport really much so when we are in the city and according to Boženka (navigation in Kozáč's phone) there is boat transport like 1km from where we are, we don't hesitate and we set out. The journey is a bit lengthy and suddenly it seems that we reached the end of Bangkok. Skyscrapers vanished and on one side of the street is even empty space. Boženka wanted to make it interesting for us and so she dragged us to cargo docks. Well, we never travelled in container...