
Hill in the landscape is having magical effect - after many kilometres of flatland it is impossible it tear your eyes away from itUnusual Cambodian landscape   Hill in the landscape is having magical effect - after many kilometres of flatland it is impossible it tear your eyes away from it

    Driving in Cambodia have it's rules which we need to learn quickly. Thanks to the character of landscape it is not easy to drive here. Cambodia is totally flat and roads were designed by a guy who wanted to verify himself the theory of infinity of parallel lines. Driving is not only boring, but also anaesthetizing. Locals hence found a way how to stay always alert. They drive in a way which keeps high level of adrenalin not just for themselves but also to all road users. During the day any time somebody just drives into your path without even looking, a motorcyclist going 30 km/h changes direction of drive without being interested in what's going on behind him. Overtaking in two rows is also the order of the day. In the middle of this all suddenly comes a motorcyclist whizzes from opposite direction. At night it is even more thrilling. In order that your eyes don't close itself every odd car have high beam turned on and as a bonus there is sometimes so called ghost car – driver without any light at all. Warranty that you don't fall asleep is almost 100%. The one who falls asleep will mostly sleep forever. After finishing first drive I'm sure that adrenaline sports are nothing for me - after this experience I would fall asleep with boredom by most of them.

For repelling tiredness are Cambodian able to perform various pranksDistraction for your eyes For repelling tiredness are Cambodian able to perform various pranks