
Everywhere you look are Chinese lanterns and new ones are being madePreparations for New Year Everywhere you look are Chinese lanterns and new ones are being made

First evening in Cambodia we decided to try local beer as a celebration of entry. For some time we shyly looked on the offer. Beers are laid in full sun and brand have funny names - Angkor(most famous Cambodian historical site), Anchor, Cambodia.... We ordered one and we got it how else than on ice and with a straw :o) After dinner we just roamed the city and as mosquitoes we were attracted by the colourful lights in one garden. There is some feast and so we just peek in from a distance how do they celebrate in here. In a second some guys are after us, probably to throw us out. Before we can do anything we sit by the table beer in hand and baby powder with tint of camphor(which is here in the east maybe even on condoms) spread all over our faces.


The year of goat(in Czech Kozel – base word for nickname Kozáč) we simply can't missThe year of goat(in Czech Kozel – base word for nickname Kozáč) we simply can't miss

    Local ruler of the district organized a celebration of New Year for his employees, so he invited us on one beer. According to local customs is good for luck to smear faces of each other with baby powder.
Everyone is white and they have powder everywhere. Nice custom except for it is going into your eyes and beer. I don't know what is worse. People dance around fountain in free style. In fact it is just walk with waving hands somehow. We got ourselves carried away with this and waved also. It is maybe first time anybody seen Kozáč dancing :o)) Unfortunately I didn't bring my camera in spite of darkness and so there is no proof. We got informed that Cambodian king studied in his youth in Prague. Most probably college U Fleků(famous pub).

Celebrations are everywhere and in big styleCelebrations are everywhere and in big style

   Celebration is at it's best and local policeman in civilian life DJ is mixing like hell. Beer, which we wanted just to taste today flowed. Suddenly its eleven and as if in magic everyone disappears. Everybody jumps in their cars and the fun is over. They didn't even waited for midnight.

   New Year accompanied us afterwards, sometimes even a bit unpleasantly. When we reached Siem Reap, city famous by temple Angkor Wat, we have been informed, that hotel which is for 5$ per night will cost 30$ during the celebrations and almost everywhere is booked up. After leaving this city we encountered a problem that all restaurants were closed and we were unable to get something to eat.

As you slow down just a bit you are getting it :o)Soaking As you slow down just a bit you are getting it :o)

   During our trip through villages on the north we experienced one more side of New Year. You're driving in peace on the road and suddenly there is a crowd of people trying to stop you. You slow down – maybe there is some accident perhaps a buffalo run over by a small tractor because nothing else is not going on these roads – and all at once splash in your face lands a bucket of water. You brake and immediately there is old friend powder which everyone around tries to rub in your face. Lot of people rather speed up to not to get this treatment. However I got it three times just for sure.